"It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air." - W.T. Ellis
"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love!"
- Hamilton Wright Mabie
Wendy and Georgia are back home in Madera. Thirty-three days in a hospital is a long time. The Becketts and Manzos say THANK YOU from our innermost being. GOD IS FAITHFUL. This will truly be a memorable Thanksgiving because there is no place like home.
Georgia looks cute in her pink scrubs and Wendy beautiful in her new lounge wear. Wendy has already started her strenuous physical therapy and will work very hard everyday. A home health nurse will come every Monday, Wendesday, and Friday to change the dressing on her Wound V.A.C.
Wendy and Micah will head back up to UC Davis Medical Center this Wednesday, November 25th for a checkup with Wendy’s surgeon, Dr. Calhoun. They will have to go back to Davis on a regular basis for checkups.
Wendy was able to see her husband Micah and her two handsome sons, Skyler and Jadon today. WHAT A REUNION! Both boys cried when they saw Mommy and wouldn’t let go of her. It was a great day at 3021 Forest Lane. The roses smelled better, the grass was a little greener, and the blue sky radiated God’s love. Wade and Wesley will be home Wednesday. Both are so anxious to see Wendy and the rest of the family.
May this be your best Thanksgiving with you and your family. We must not take anything for granted. Material things will pass away. Let’s all count our blessings.
Let us come before Him with Thanksgiving. Psalm 95:2
Today's update was written by Wendy's dad, CB.
DAY 28
"Because He lives We can face tomorrow. Because He lives all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future. And life is worth living just because He lives.
Friends and Family,
Georgia and I are still with Wendy at the hospital. I will return to Madera tonight to care for the grand boys for the week. Georgia will remain to love and care for Wendy until she is home. Our HOPE and PRAYER is to be reunited by THANKSGIVING.
Simply put, Wendy must be able to do the following on her own before she is released:
* proper bowel functions
* consume solid foods to sustain her without the IV nutrition
* walk on her own with walker
* no IV’s for medicine or pain
She will go home with a Wound V.A.C. and a home health nurse for assistance. The most beautiful nurse in the world, her mother will care for her. Weeks and weeks of physical therapy will follow.