Friday, April 2, 2010

zoo day

I decided to brave the zoo this morning, knowing full well it was a spring break day, and it actually didn't get too busy until we left. It was a great mama-son morning with the boys, as well as their buddy Brady and his mommy (Sarah - one of my besties for 16 years now). We had a wonderful morning, but I was beyond exhausted when we left. Of course it was worth it though! I'm trying to do things each week that build my endurance and that slowly get me back into the real world. I'm so thankful for my sweet boys and the pure joy they bring to my life every day.
Children are a gift from God, a blessing from above.
-Wendy Manzo :o)


  1. Haven't met you Wendy, but I am truly amazed at you!! I have been praying for you for many months now, and am so excited to see God moving through your body, and healing you!! Best thing about this post, the smiles on those boys faces!!!

  2. What uplifting news Wendy! Darling pictures of your boys and so glad you got to enjoy the outdoors with Sarah! We are praying for your continued healing...Happy Easter to you and your family! Love you, Marcia and Randy

  3. That's great that you got to go to the zoo. There's nothing like getting outside and fresh air. I love the creativity of our God to create such interesting animals. I like our zoo a lot. In fact, we were there that morning too! It was colder than I had anticipated but still a great day.

  4. Awesome pictures Wendy!!! Praise God for a good day out with your Boys!! You are sounding so good. I know you are still enduring pain, but you are doing so well! Praise God for his goodness!! I saw my doctor at Davis this past week. GOOD NEWS! My lungs are doing well, no new tumors, and even the scar tissue is healing and looking better on the last scan. BAD NEWS, they see two spots on my liver!!! I am waiting to do an MRI now. Hopefully with in the next two weeks. MY GOD has not let me down. He has brought me through two rounds of cancer....and if it is back again, HE WILL BRING ME THROUGH THIS AGAIN! So if you could, say some prayers for me, I would so appreciate it!!! I PRAISE GOD for where you are today!!! Our GOD is just so good!! isn't he??? Hugs to you and GOD BLESS YOU!!!!! Love, Debbie
