Sunday, December 6, 2009

stop sign show off

Wendy continues to have tough mornings. Her nausea and pain seem to be the most severe when she first wakes up. Pray for those mornings to get easier.

Wendy walked to the stop sign at the end of her parents' street today without a walker or cane! What an incredible accomplishment this is! If only her physical therapist could see her now. It can't be confirmed, but there is word that she might have even done a little celebratory jig around the sign. She didn't use her cane while walking around the house today either. She shuffles slowly, the potential for her legs to buckle out from underneath her is still a possibility. She continues to exhibit incredible strength!

Wendy was thrilled to finally get to see her grandparents today. She hasn't seem them since October 18th. They came to visit and "babysit" her while her parents attended a luncheon. They enjoyed a peaceful afternoon together. It was a wonderful visit and she loved every minute spent with them.

The tentative plan is for Wendy's Wound V.A.C. to be removed tomorrow! Please pray that all goes as planned. Pray that the incision site looks good. Pray it is the perfect time for removal and that is removed without pain. Pray for clarity and guidance over the home health nurse that will remove it.

We know how dearly God loves us, and we feel this warm love everywhere. Romans 5:5


  1. Wendy~this is my first visit. I read through your incredible story....I've been so greatly touched by your courage. I hope you will continue to be comforted and find a healing peace by the love and prayers that surround you at this fragile time.

    Sweet wishes,

  2. what a wonderful update! soooo wish i could have seen that jig!

  3. Hi Mrs.Manzo It is so good to know that you took a little walk outside.I think you didn't need a cane or a walker because God was holding your hand.Abigail.
